Went for Cell Group today, was a Zi Yang House. Cell Group was great... Amber preach about Be A Good Finisher, it means finishing the race that you have start. There are many race we have started in many different part of our life. Some were easy, some were full of hardship and suffering. But the important thing is not that we have started the race, but it is if we have finish the race.

There are Four Reasons why people give up halfway for the Race they have started, they are...

I looked back at some of the race that I started that were halfway completed and I found out the reason I give up is always one of the four reasons above.

How to we complete the race then??? There are four steps to it, they are....
1) Stop Making Excuses!
2) Start Now!
3) Focus on the gain, not on the pain
4) Depend on God to help you through the race

After hearing this sermon, I have decided that I will not give up any race started... I will end everyone of them no matter how much suffering or hardship I have to go through.

Will not focus on how much pain and suffering I will go through, but the things I can do for your SMILE to appear...


About Me

About Me
Republic Polytechnic
05 Feb 1990