Somewhere for a Godly Reason

Didn't attend school today, too tired to go. >.<
I have been asking myself, why do people backsilde? And the answer just came instantly to my mind.

"Because they depend on imperfect relationships."
Often, people who come church, they know many new church friends who make them feel comfortable.
They guide them, share sercets with them, as a result bonds are form.

However, all relationship with people are imperfect, never will be perfect as people are imperfect people. If anything went wrong, people will be disappointed, sad, hurt and therefore refuse to do what is right. And then they start to backsilde.

What is the right thing to do? Depend on God, the only perfect being. He will never forsake us in all times. Come to church and serve not friends, not church leaders BUT GOD. Serving God means, able to accept all kinds of environment he put us in to serve.

We are always Somewhere for a Godly Reason.