Hey Friends! Been a while since I last blog. Reason being I have been hibernating among my chocolates and candy bed in Lala land... Ok... that was lame... haha... Anyway, the reason is not important.

Today this blog post is for..... Ok....

Who was it for again? Wait a while... Let me ask my brain...(I got nothing to do! Damn Bored! Sorry for the lame stuff here before i get to my point. >.<)

Oh! I was not very sure this post is for who... everyone i guess?

lets just read on shall we?

Hmmmm, in life we all will come to a certain point where we meet a crossroad. Something like this!

We don't know where the roads lead to and we got confuse and stuck there. But lets just follow the light(in the picture there is one... the one tat look like a sun, maybe it does not look like one but just pretend it is).

What is this light?

This light is the advice, information from all the people around you. We always need all these to be able to know which route to take in our life, which decision to make. There is nothing no one can see fully no matter how experience or how good they all. Therefore, live a open life that you are willing to take any comments for other people and make it to your full advantage.(pls know whose comment to listen to and whose not to, don't just take any comment from any tom,dick,harry. Listen to those preferably who have gone pass the stage u are going thru.)

For Knowledge is Power.