Loving Others

There are many who find it hard to love others, why is this so??? The reason is simply this, they do not have love. It just like if you want to give your friend money, you must have money in order to give him. If you want to give him food, you must have food in order to give him some. Likewise, in order to give love, you must have love to give away.

The question is... where do I get this Love? The answer is God, the only True Prefect Love you can get from is thru him and him only. His love is unconditional. John 13:34 says, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have love you. So, as Christians, we are to love others as God love us.

However if you do not know how much God love you, it is likely impossible for you to give True Love to others. Therefore, it is important that you are doing your quiet time constantly. This way you can improve you relationship with God and therefore feel his Love for you. So, if you're having trouble loving others, it's probably because you don't know how much God loves you.


About Me

About Me
Republic Polytechnic
05 Feb 1990