
Studied about Rainbow today... Know how a rainbow is form, how rainbow got its colour. Quite interesting a interesting topic...

Ok.. I am not a fan of rainbow but.... What is Rainbow to me?

Genesis 9:16
The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”

A sign of rainbow is thus a promise to me, a convenant...

Got this interesting poem on rainbows!

God is the creator of all things
Beautiful and great.

Today he took the sun and the rain
And painted a masterpiece
For all of us to appreciate.

He stained the sky
With red, yellow, blue, purple, green and orange.

He created it with his whole heart
And his spirit alike.

To make our day
Just a little bit more special.

He smiles down on us through everything.
And touches us everday from that beautiful place

Sending us rainbows to show us his love and his grace.

Cool huh? Enjoy! ^_^