This Post is suppose to be on the Sat, 9 of August

Haha! Was late again... Anyway here it goes...
Rush Home from KaiXiang house to change, then went to meet XiaoShi to prepare refreshments for Botanic Garden trip later on with Cell Group Members. After that, went off to meet the rest of the members and took a bus to Botanic Garden. Reach there about 1 hr later? Long ride... Had a pinic there...

Joyce and Terecia...

After Botanic Garden, we went to Esplandae to catch the fireworks. Reached just in time to see the beautiful fireworks... Pictures wasn't clear though... Lousy camera I had... >.<

Went for dinner after that at Suntec City... This is when my phone died... So no pictures... After that, all decide to go home... Went to the river side beside esplandae to relax with Sarah... Enjoyed the breeze and chatting... Was abit stress due to some reasons, that why went there... Thanks to Sarah for suggesting it! Went home on a bus after those relaxing... Took the wrong way! And ended up somewhere else... Shall not say where it that place... Hehe! Anyway, it was not too late, got on another bus and went home!

Nice Scene!


About Me

About Me
Republic Polytechnic
05 Feb 1990