Torance Last Cell Group

This post should be dated on Saturday, 23 August... Again, no time to blog on the actual day.

Went to Summerdale for Cell Group meeting. Cell Group was great.. Have games and BBQ after that.. Didn't really take any pictures... Phone low on batt also.. =(

It is also the last day Torance is having his last Cell Group with us... He is a man of great destiny and is going to transfer to another Cell Group for greater cause...

To Torance:
I remember when I first come Cell Group, you are the one that make me want to come Cell Group more, cause you make Cell Group a more lively place. You always have creative ideas to make people laugh and feel better. Your drama are always funny and interesting. You have a special character that attracts people. I remember you being there for me during my spiritual walk. I always have alot of questions and I always ask you for answers and you always give me what I seek. Also remember you will orangise event for us to followship and spent time with each other. You are also someone what teach me how to do things better by imparting important values to me. I will always remember to have spirit of excellence and good servanthood. I wish you all the best in your new cell group!



About Me

About Me
Republic Polytechnic
05 Feb 1990